
Hepatocytes are primary normal liver cells isolated from fresh liver tissues.
Primary hepatocytes are widely used as the gold-standard in-vitro liver model for biological, pharmacological and toxicological studies in drug discovery and development

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BIOLOGIC Genius / Species Macaca fascicularis (commom name : cynomolgus)
Tissue Liver
Age Adult
Gender Male or female
Disease Healthy
PRODUCT Cell Type Hepatocytes
Morphology Epithelial like cells
Culture and growth properties Adherent cell population
Passage n° at the time of cryopreservation Not relevant : no passage
Cells per vial Minimum 5×106 cells
Viability ≥70% after thawing
Product Format Cryopreserved 1ml vial
Sterility test Negative for Bacterial, Mycoplasma, Yeast
Dedicated Applications Covered applications : transporters, metabolism, hepato toxicology, genotoxicity